These lines were written in December 2019 as a Holy Days Newslertter…

Merry Christmas everybody. It’s already the end of the year – how did this happen I wonder…?
When the sun hangs low over the horizon like that, it’s a good time for reflecting the past and contemplate where we want to head towards in the year(s) to come… The past year was so full and rich for us, as a family, as students, as teachers…  incredible, really – Sometimes of course very challenging and difficult, at other times easy flowing and light. Always, in the lows and in the highs, there have been the magic moments of deep insights and clarity about the path and about life as a human being in general. The miracle ride in the human body goes on and I am really curious what will come our way in 2020… on a personal and on a global level…

The holy nights are also the moment to say Thank you! to you all.  We am very grateful that we can share with you what we have learned in the past 20+ years exploring the spiritual path! It’s a meaningful way of making a humble living and we thank you for your presence and trust, be it in a “normal” Yoga class, in a chanting circle or sharing deeper explorations of consciousness together!

Jesus and Ram Dass

When sitting in front of our Christmas tree, the candles burning, I realized that we could really see this Christmas celebration also in a yogic perspective of saying thank you to the Guru who leads you on the path, shows you some hidden secrets and is always there for you with his/her wisdom. The light of the burning candles seen and felt as a symbol for the inner light the Guru points out to us. Now Jesus, or Yeshua as he was called in the Aramaic language of his time, was for sure one of the big Maha Siddha Gurus, a fully realized teacher, who was pointing out the light to us (light = Kingdom within, Christ Consciousness, our true Nature)! If you are interested in seeing his words in a yogic/dharmic perspective: Read the “Thomas Evangelium” by Ralph Skuban. This is a text rediscovered in 1945 in Egypt and of course never made it into the bible. It shows beautifully how Jesus was a top Yogi and Guru and how his teachings are no different from all the Dharma teachings we know from the Buddhist and the Hindu traditions: Philosophia perennis – there is only one God, only one Truth…

Sitting infront of the Christmas tree, I also was saying thank you to Ram Dass from deep inside my heart. He has left his body just a couple of days ago. Without ever meeting him in person, he was one of the most inspiring and important teachers for me in the last 20 years. He was bridging the gap between the eastern dharmic, yogic  perspective and western psychology and science and had a deep understanding of altered states of consciousness, and that’s why I could so well connect to him and be guided by his wisdom.  Thank you Ram Dass – here you can read more about his life.

Ram Dass and Krishna Das on the Nainital Lake 1971