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The darker months of the year are quite challenging for many of us. Winter Solstice is near and we can celebrate the new light rising once more! We think it’s really important to offer this kind of ritual to be in contact with the cycles of Nature (Winter and Summer Solstice) and to be in contact with fellow human beings in a circle.

When we sing a Mantra together much is happening with us on many levels. Bodily we are sitting still in meditation. For our feelings and emotions the Mantra is a vessel where they are allowed to be, where they have an outlet, an expression and direction to flow to. Instead of narrow and closed, our heart becomes soft and open again. Our emotional body can rid itself from much weight and can heal. On the mental level the continuous concentration on the Mantra can calm the endless chattering of our mind or temporarily stop it entirely. On the spiritual level it gives a form to the conscious or unconscious pull towards finding home again, towards the Source whence we come from, a form to the longing to merge with the Divine. 

We are looking forward to diving together into the spiritual dimension of life and to celebrate the holiness of being. The Mantra will transport us from the narrow everyday consciousness into the wide open awareness close to the Source. 

With focussing on body and breath (mindful Asana Flow) we will prepare ourselves for the 108 Gayatri Mantra we will chant together. The silence after chanting is Satchitananda. And the guided Yoga Nidra session the deep relaxation cherry on the cake. 

A journey where we can let go of the concept of time and the exhausting projects of being somebody. Pure Yoga, healing reconnection with the essence! 

Looking forward to welcoming you in the circle!

More info and registration through Airyoga: www.airyoga.com

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