Healing Breathwork & Yoga
April 5 @ 8:00 am - April 6 @ 5:00 pm
… with the accelerated breathing rhythm you will enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the psyche and of the body and sets in motion a process towards wholeness.
Healing Breathwork & Yoga with Guido Lenz and Adrian Wirth.
This workshop weekend has been offered since 2011 twice a year at Airyoga. For many regular participants it has become an important circle and ceremony twice a year!
Both afternoons include a powerful breathing session. In the first afternoon after a careful preparation, you lie in Savasana with an accelerated breathing rhythm, listening to evocative music and you will then enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the psyche and of the body. During the night, in between the sessions, the experience can sink deeper into your system.
In the second session we will do a modern breath-meditation in a seated posture. Afterwards we will practice some gentle asana flow and chanting. There will be enough time to answer questions and deepen the process.
This weekend is ideal as a deepening experience of yoga on the inner, mental level. We open a space where you will have the opportunity to experience yourself with a soft, open heart, experience a sense of coming home and unity. You will also learn a lot about the functioning of your mind and ego on a experiential level. These deep experiences may trigger the start of a transformation-process towards wholeness.
This workshop is recommended for those interested in deep inner healing work and in exploring deeper levels of body, mind and soul. For a deeper process we recommend both sessions, it’s possible however to just come for one afternoon.
No previous experience in yoga is needed. However it needs openness and courage to do this deep journey!
Guido and Adrian know each other since 2004 and share many experiences in the yogic and shamanic world.
The sessions are in German (English translation if necessary).
The cost are CHF 160.- for both sessions, CHF. 90.- per session.
Participation is limited. Priority is given to those participants who book both sessions.
Registration a couple of months before: Here via Airyoga.