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Yoga & Temazcal (Sweat Lodge) – with Paola Deprez & Adrian Wirth

Finding clarity for your Life-Path, a journey of healing and transformation!

Sweat Lodges are incredible powerful rituals, which originated in different forms in many “close to nature” tribal cultures around the globe. They serve the purpose of physical and spiritual cleansing. And they initiate or nurture your quest for discovering your own innate essence of your being, they foster the search for your life path and help to find your unique gift that you bring to this world. The term Yoga points to an experience of oneness, of unity; to reconnect to the wholeness of life.

A powerful breathing meditation and the Sweat Lodge ceremony are the moments of ”Peak-Experience” during this special Yoga Weekend. Carefully we will prepare ourselves with different yoga practices and with singing. As a guiding principal we will use the concept of the 5 elements: The elements as a fundamental metaphor for internal and external forces which influence our lifes on all levels. In the dark of the Sweat Lodge we can give our rational mind a rest and we connect to our essence, to our heart and to the wholeness of creation. A far and deep reaching healing experience.


Leading: Paola Deprez and Adrian Wirth are connecting introspective practices from the indo-tibetan yoga traditions with modern versions of ceremonies from the Americas to form a harmonic approach for healing and transformation towards Yoga (unity).
We will teach in English.

Costs for the whole weekend (different sleeping options): 

  • Sleeping in your Van or tent, : 700.- CHF
  • Sleeping in the Yurt (6 people) or dormitory: 730.- CHF
  • Sleeping in a single room in the house: 935.- CHF

It will be starting on Thursday evening around 5pm. There is the possibility to join only Friday evening – Sunday (like the usual version of Yoga & Temazcal), please inquire about costs.

Registration and questions: Send an


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