Introduction into Yoga Nidra
March 30 @ 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Yoga Nidra is a source of health, strength, inspiration and joy! Introduction Workshop with Adrian Wirth
Yoga Nidra – „the sleep of the yogi“ – originates in the Yoga Traditions of the Himalayas. It is a highly efficient method of deep relaxation that helps us to completely relax and regenerate on a physical, mental and emotional level. At the same time it is vitalizing and gently invigorating, the mind becomes fresh and clear. The origin of Yoga Nidra is a Tantric practice called Nyasa, which means “to place”. The awareness is placed in the body in different ways, traditionally together with prayers and visualisations.
This technique is suitable for everyone, it’s very simple. It’s ideal for all the “high performance people” among us who are constantly stressed, they will draw great benefit. However, the original and true purpose is a spiritual one: You can gain deep insides in the nature of your consciousness with this practice. Yoga Nidra is a conscious deep sleep state where the awareness “sinks down” into the formless stillness and spaciousness of pure awareness. The intensity of the influence of our mind through karmic habit patterns (vasanas, samskaras, old mental imprints) gets milder and milder and ultimately these imprints get dissolved: Ultimate Freedom!
Swami Satyananda gets to the heart of it when he says:
“Weather you think too much or you don’t think at all, you accumulate tensions. If you work physically or you do not work at all, you accumulate tensions. Weather you sleep too much or not at all, you accumulate tensions.
Weather you take a heavy protein diet, a carbohydrate diet, or a vegetarian diet – these days we would have to add vegan diet-, you accumulate tensions. And these tensions amass in the different layers of the human personality. They accumulate in the muscular, emotional and mental systems.”
In Yoga Nidra we lie in Savasana (corpse pose) while the teacher guides us through a series of awareness exercises and visualizations, depending on the method you use. Thereby we sink first into a state between relaxed wakefulness and dream and later with more practice into conscious deep sleep. On any level of practice we can gain experiential knowledge of deeper levels of our mind, the unconscious or subconscious mind. The awareness goes back to a simple, fresh and unobstructed state.
If practiced on a regular basis, Yoga Nidra represents a source of health, strength, inspiration and joy.
This Workshop is for everybody who is coming to Yoga Nidra classes at Airyoga or is interested in all the background information and a careful introduction into this wonderful practice. In this workshop we will do two different Yoga Nidra sessions where we combine elements of both traditions (Swami Satyananda and Swami Rama). There is plenty of time for questions and a careful preparation and feedback round.
A mindful and slow Asanaflow and depending on the group a relaxing chanting session are also part of the program. No previous experience needed.
Adrian is teaching this workshop in German (The English one will happen in the summer of 2025 again)
The costs are Fr. 90.- . The participants get a Yoga Nidra recording to use back home for a regular practice. The number of participants is limited.
Registration: Here through Airyoga.