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… Kirtan is chanting the names of the Divine, it’s “call and response chanting” from the Indian devotional traditions. Together we sing and dance, we laugh and cry, we are still and pray: Welcome to the Kirtan Circle!

Call and response chanting is very simple: You listen to a line and you repeat it. Relax your rational mind, open your heart and connect to your emotions through singing, dancing, praying and being quiet.

The tone of your own voice, the singing of the whole group and the sound of the instruments connect you to something very ancient: Singing together is one of the oldest human practices.

The ‘Shakti Shuttlez’ invite you and your friends to their next uplifting Kirtan and Mantra singing at AIRYOGA. Everybody who enjoys singing, dancing or quietly listening is warmly welcome to join this special Kirtan evening.

The ‘Shakti Shuttlez’ are an offspring-project from Dave Stringer’s Kirtan flight school. Daniela, Maureen, Tony und Adrian and sometimes some guest musicians are looking forward to singing with you.


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