Introduction into Yoga Nidra

Airyoga Zürich Fabrikstrasse 10, Zürich, Switzerland

With Adrian. Yoga Nidra is a source of health, strength, inspiration and joy!

Healing Breathwork & Yoga

With the accelerated breathing rhythm you will enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the psyche and of the body and sets in motion a process towards wholeness.

108 Gayatri Mantra Circle for Summer Solstice

Airyoga Zürich Fabrikstrasse 10, Zürich, Switzerland

With Paola & Adrian. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra 108 times in a circle is a very special experience! And a celebration and honouring of Mother Nature at Summer Solstice...

Healing Breathwork & Yoga

Airyoga Zürich Fabrikstrasse 10, Zürich, Switzerland

With the accelerated breathing rhythm you will enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the psyche and of the body and sets in motion a process towards wholeness.