Cacao Kirtan & Conscious Dance
May 10 @ 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Adrian & Maureen from the Shakti Shuttlez and Angela Alaska invite you to this special community event.
Together we celebrate: Kirtan and Dance as an expression of all our emotions, which are allowed to be present in the moment, beyond right and wrong, in the respectful and mindful community, the Sangha! We sing, we dance, we pray and celebrate and give space to the Divine within us. And we honour the connection with Mother Nature: Teacher plants like Cacao (the original Olmec and Mayan word means “Food of the Gods”) have helped the humans since ages to go beyond their narrow, ego-centred consciousness into the union with the unbounded wholeness of creation and open the heart for Love.
In the safe space of the circle we will hold a Cacao Ceremony and dive into the Mantras. Kirtan is a call-response chanting from the Indian devotional traditions (Bhakti Yoga). Often a line – the names of Gods and Goddesses – are called out and you can just response with repeating the line. Our consciousness is connecting to all the other members of the group and this creates a sense of belonging and community. All emotions are welcome, we can just relax and be, sometimes dancing ecstatically, sometimes tears are rolling down your checks, and then again completely still – in the here and now!
After the Kirtan Angela Alaska will take us on a musical (dance-) journey. With sounds and rhythms from different genres we will dive into ourselves and we will be guided by our own life force, which will shake and move us and find its own creative expression through dance. No previous experience is necessary, only the openness to be guided by the music.
For more than 12 years Adrian & Maureen have offered regular Kirtans, creating a safe space to sing, dance and be still together – on monthly evenings at Airyoga in Zurich, on festivals and in Yoga&Mantra retreats in the mountains. See more here: www.shaktishuttlez.ch
Adrian has organised and guided yogic exploration circles with Teacher Plants since 2007. See more here: www.oshadi-yoga.ch
Angela Alaska is a DJ – Earlier in the club and festival scene, today she creates safe spaces for ecstatic & conscious dance. See more about Angelas Musik and work on: Soundcloud and on Facebook.